Official Voter Information Guide
American Independent Party
If a candidate submitted a statement, read it simply by clicking on the candidate's name.
- Candidate Name
- Edward C. Noonan
- Laurie Joanne Roth
- Mad Max Riekse
- Edward C. Noonan
- Political Party:
- American Independent
- 1713 11th Avenue
- Olivehurst, CA 95961
- (530) 845-5186
A Presidential candidate shall be a Natural Born Citizen.
For more information see:
- Laurie Joanne Roth
- Political Party:
- American Independent
In January 2011 a real patriot, Mom and national radio talk show host, Dr. Laurie Roth, felt a real and deep call from the Lord to run for President of the United States as a political outsider.
She knew some would cry 'fringe', 'outsider', 'spoiler and traitor' to the GOP. But, she knew she was the only Constitutional conservative with the Moxie to get the job done and bring America back from the Marxism and madness that has been thrown at us.
Dr. Laurie Roth has an inspired and unique vision "regarding" what needs to be done to make America great and prosperous again.
Tax liberation
Dr. Roth will immediately institute her 'tax liberation' plan. As President she will boldly suggest a bill to the House to support her 2% point of purchase tax on all products and eradication of all other federal taxes. This would be the key to finally get the United States completely out of debt within 4 years, build up our military, secure Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and "S-Chips", while providing assistance for energy infrastructure projects and national needs.
Dr. Laurie Roth was nominated for the Ronald Reagan award from CPAC in 2010 for breaking a huge story that ended up in the national media.
We have seen what the Politicians and establishment can do. It is time to see what Dr. Laurie Roth can do.
Join me and find out more at:
- Mad Max Riekse
- Political Party:
- American Independent
No Candidate Statement Submitted.
The order of the candidate statements was determined by randomized alphabet drawing. Statements on
this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily
submitted by the candidate. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot.