Official Voter Information Guide
Green Party
If a candidate submitted a statement, read it simply by clicking on the candidate's name.
- Candidate Name
- Kent Mesplay
- Jill Stein
- Roseanne Barr
- Kent Mesplay
- Political Party:
- Green
- 5173 Waring Road #204
- San Diego, CA 92120
- (760) 689-2740
Jobs are lost through automation, outsourcing and consolidation. Jobs can be created through government and the private sector. Jobs through Federal programs will require massive military spending cuts, and increased taxes on corporations that don't pay their fair share. This also requires the cooperation of Congress; an unlikely prospect until we vote new people into office.
This will take time.
The transformation toward green jobs, those that are not based on using up natural resources, polluting via carbon-based fuels and thereby destabilizing the climate, can begin now. We need to think beyond "jobs", and take what are now "emergency measures", so that we can take care of ourselves without waiting for the Feds. After all, there is, as well, a design flaw in state governments that allows them to run out of money at exactly the time people need it most for the social "safety net" programs to see them through joblessness and the inability to pay taxes.
This plan can begin immediately.
We cannot wait.
The solution is growing our own foods, buying from local farmers' markets, using local currency, time-banking, trade-and-barter, sharing, volunteerism, and registering Green.
Vote Green. Vote Mesplay.
See Mesplay at
You matter. Your vote matters. Thank you!
- Jill Stein
- Political Party:
- Green
- P.O. Box 260217
- Madison, Wisconsin 53726-0217
- (608) 616-0377
I am a mother, physician, and teacher of internal medicine. As an environmental health advocate in the 1990s, I saw how corporate money stopped essential reforms from becoming law. In response, I led the effort to get fully publicly financed elections in Massachusetts. We put it on the ballot, and the electorate voted for it. Then the Democratic legislature repealed our clean elections law. That's when I became a Green Party member.
In 2002, I ran for governor. I won 3.5% of the vote. According to the newspapers, I won the debates. In 2006, I ran again, winning over 350,000 votes, the most ever for any Massachusetts Green Party candidate.
It's fair to say I’m the frontrunner in this race. As of April 2nd, I'd won the first nine Green Party primaries, all with more than 2/3rds of the vote. My campaign has gotten the Greens on the ballot from Utah to Vermont. And we're launching new state parties. California and Massachusetts can't go it alone.
My central focus is an emergency program called the Green New Deal. The Green New Deal will create 25 million jobs, end unemployment, and transition our country to a green economy. It will guarantee public higher education and Medicare for all. It will break up the big banks. And it will end corporate domination of elections.
I invite you to join our campaign and to find out more about the Green New Deal at
- Roseanne Barr
- Political Party:
- Green
- 3695 F Cascade Road #2210
- Atlanta, GA 30331
Greetings sisters and brothers in my home state of California.
It is my intention to speak for the vast numbers of average working Americans not a small number of the converted.
I will meet the needs of the 99% and work for economic justice and true representation that is not influenced by outside corporate forces. With the rising tide of discontent embodied by the Occupy Wall Street movement, the time is now to convert this energy into success in the voting booths thus breaking the stranglehold the "two parties" have on American politics. Both the Democratic and Republican parties are bought and paid for by corporate America and meet the needs of the highest bidder. Corporations are not people. I cannot be bought. I have been a tireless advocate of Occupy Wall Street since Day 1 when I delivered my campaign speech in Liberty Square (Zuccotti Park) on September 17th, 2011. I have been fighting for working class people for decades. With the majority of Americans sharing our values and with my passion for fairness and uncompromising honesty, we will usher in a new age. Behold the Greening of America! The Green Party is already well-positioned as an existing party and with the right candidate, the underlying sanity of its platform can not only reach new ears, it can change both the course of conversation in America and the course of this country itself. Vote Roseanne in the November 6th, 2012, Presidential Election!
The order of the candidate statements was determined by randomized alphabet drawing. Statements on
this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily
submitted by the candidate. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot.