Official Voter Information Guide

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Political Parties

About Primary Elections

Dates to Remember

  1. May 21, 2012
    Last day to register to vote
  2. May 29, 2012
    Last day to apply for a
    vote-by-mail ballot by mail
  3. June 5, 2012
    Election Day

California State Seal

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American Independent Party

The American Independent Party is the party of ordered liberty in a nation under God. We believe in strict adherence to written law. We believe the Constitution is the contract America has with itself. Its willful distortion has led to the violation of our Tenth Amendment guaranteed right to limited government—which inevitably requires oppressive taxation. Its faithful application will lift that burden.

Freed from the lawless oppression of Liberal rule, we may then compassionately and justly use our energy and ingenuity to provide for ourselves and our families. We will then establish truly free and responsible enterprise and reassert the basic human right to property.

We believe in protecting all human life however weak, defenseless, or disheartened; endorse the family as the essential bulwark of liberty, compassion, responsibility, and industry; and declare the family's right and responsibility to nurture, discipline, and educate their children.

We assert the absolute, concurrent Second Amendment guaranteed individual right to self defense coupled with a strong common defense, a common defense which requires a national sovereignty not damaged by imprudent treaties. We oppose all illegal immigration.

We support secure borders and immigration policies inviting the best of the world to join us in freedom.

  • American Independent Party of California
  • Dr. Mark Jerome Seidenberg, Chairman
  • 476 Deodara Street
  • Vacaville, CA 95688-2637
  • (707) 359-4884

The order of the statements was determined by lot.
Statements on this page were supplied by political parties and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency.