Official Voter Information Guide

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Political Parties

About Primary Elections

Dates to Remember

  1. May 21, 2012
    Last day to register to vote
  2. May 29, 2012
    Last day to apply for a
    vote-by-mail ballot by mail
  3. June 5, 2012
    Election Day

California State Seal

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Democratic Party

California Democrats believe that the success of our economy is rooted in the well-being of working families, not on Wall Street.

President Obama's actions after taking office have the country steadily on the road back.

The stimulus package created new private-sector jobs and kept over a hundred thousand teachers, police, firefighters, and nurses working in California.

California's economy is on the mend under the leadership of Gov. Jerry Brown.

Democrats believe in saving Social Security and Medicare so our seniors may have economic and health security. We believe that college should be made affordable by reducing tuition and fees.

We oppose efforts by large corporations and Wall Street to tilt the campaign finance rules to give them total power and unlimited spending in elections.

We support bringing all of our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan as soon as possible and providing Job training, hospitalization, and mental health services for the men and women returning home from the wars with physical and emotional injuries.

California Democrats support re-electing President Obama and electing all Democrats to shift the power back from Wall Street to Main Street.

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The order of the statements was determined by lot.
Statements on this page were supplied by political parties and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency.