
Water Bond. Funding for Water Quality, Supply, Treatment, and Storage Projects.


Official Title and Summary

Prepared by the Attorney General

Water Bond. Funding for Water Quality, Supply, Treatment, and Storage Projects.

  • Authorizes $7.12 billion in general obligation bonds for state water supply infrastructure projects, such as surface and groundwater storage; ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration; drinking water protection; water supply management; water recycling and advanced water treatment technology; and flood control.
  • Reallocates $425 million of unused bond authority from prior water bond acts, for same purposes.
  • Appropriates money from the General Fund to pay off bonds.
  • Requires certain projects to provide matching funds from non-state sources in order to receive bond funds.

Summary of Legislative Analyst's Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact:

  • Increased state bond repayment costs averaging $360 million annually over the next 40 years.
  • Savings to local governments related to water projects, likely averaging a couple hundred million dollars annually over the next few decades.
State Bond Cost Estimates
Authorized new borrowing$7.1 billion
Average annual cost to pay off bonds$360 million
Likely repayment period40 years
Source of repaymentGeneral tax revenues

Final Votes Cast by the Legislature on AB1471 (Proposition 1)
(Chapter 188, Statutes of 2014)

Final Votes Cast by the Legislature on Proposition 1
Senate: Ayes 37 Noes 0
Assembly: Ayes 77 Noes 2