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Visit the Secretary of State's My Voter Status page at VoterStatus.sos.ca.gov, where you can check your voter status, find your polling place or a vote center, and much more.
Use My Voter Status to:
To check your voter status you will need some personal information like first name, last name, California driver license or identification card number, social security number (last 4 numbers), and date of birth.
You can use the My Voter Status tool to opt out of receiving the state VIG. However, if another registered voter in your household requests to get it by mail, a state VIG will still be mailed to your address. If you have opted out and do not receive the state VIG in the mail, information on statewide candidates and ballot measures will still be available at the VIG website (http://voterguide.sos.ca.gov/) before each statewide election.
Go to VoterStatus.sos.ca.gov to get started.