Put on the Ballot by Petition Signatures
Authorizes $3,440,000,000 general obligation bonds to fund a variety of specified water and wetlands projects. Fiscal Impact: State cost of up to $6.9 billion over 30 years to repay bonds. Reduction in local property tax revenues, up to roughly $10 million annually; partially offset by state funds. Unknown state and local operation and maintenance costs.
What Your Vote Means
A YES vote on this measure means: The state could sell $3.44 billion in bonds for water quality, water supply reliability, and safe drinking water projects and for coastal land acquisition and protection. |
A NO vote on this measure means: The state could not sell $3.44 billion in bonds for these purposes. |
YES on 50 keeps clean drinking water flowing for California's rapidly-growing population. Prop 50 is a cost-effective approach to protecting vital water supplies and our coast. That's why YES on 50 is endorsed by public health and safety groups, local water agencies, businesses and conservation groups throughout California. |
Proposition 50 does virtually nothing to complete the California Water Project, or provide us with new water supplies. It actually prohibits using bond funds for building new dams or reservoirs. It will cost you $5.7 Billion over the next 25 years. Don't be fooled by this misleading initiative. |
For Additional Information
Californians for Clean Water & Coastal Protection 926 J Street, Suite 907 Sacramento, CA 95814 916-669-4796 info@prop50yes.com www.prop50yes.com
Ted Costa People's Advocate Inc. 3407 Arden Way Sacramento, CA 95825 916-482-6175 tedcosta@tedcosta.com peoplesadvocate.org tedcosta.com