Put on the Ballot by Petition Signatures
Summary Allows legally eligible persons to register to vote on election day. Increases criminal penalties for voter and voter registration fraud. Criminalizes conspiracy to commit voter fraud. Fiscal Impact: Annual state costs of about $6 million to fund counties for election day voter registration activities. No anticipated net county costs. Minor state administrative costs and unknown, but probably minor, state costs to enforce new election fraud offense.
What Your Vote Means
A YES vote on this measure means: Eligible citizens could register to vote up to and including election day. Penalties would be increased for fraudulent registration or voting activity, and a new crime of conspiracy to commit election fraud would be created. |
A NO vote on this measure means: Eligible citizens could not register to vote up to and including election day. Current law would remain in place requiring citizens to register to vote at least 15 days before an election. Penalties would not be increased for fraudulent registration or voting activity, and a new crime of conspiracy to commit election fraud would not be created. |
Proposition 52 allows eligible Californians to register and vote on election day at their polling place after showing a drivers license or two forms of valid ID. It will increase voter turnout while increasing penalties for voter fraud. Join the League of Women Voters of California and vote Yes. |
District Attorneys and Sheriffs say NO on 52! Prop. 52 makes it easy for CRIMINALS and NONCITIZENS to vote without providing official ID to prove who they are. Thats not fair to citizens who are properly registered. Vote NO on 52 to protect your vote and STOP VOTE FRAUD! |
For Additional Information
Yes on Proposition 52 1510 J Street, Suite 230 Sacramento, CA 95814 916-443-7011 info@electiondayreg.com www.electiondayreg.com
Dave Gilliard Citizens & Law Enforcement Against Election Fraud 921 11th Street, Suite 600 Sacramento, CA 95814 info@StopVoteFraud.com www.StopVoteFraud.com