U.S. Senator
P.O. Box 411176
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 254-1001
California is the most dynamic state in the nation, and it's been a great honor for me to be your Senator. During these very tough times for our state and country, I am doing everything I can to create jobs and make life better for you and your family. As Chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, I've helped create thousands of new jobs improving our roads and transit systems. Now I'm working to create even more jobs by expanding transportation priorities, helping small businesses thrive and making California the biggest job creator in the new clean energy economy. But our work is far from done. As I focus on getting our economy back on track, I am also working for affordable health care, better schools, and to protect our communities, our environment and our fundamental rights and freedoms. I am proud to be supported by police, firefighters, business leaders, workers, nurses and many others across California who know that I will always stand up for our families, no matter how difficult the challenge.
4564 Leon Street
San Diego, CA 92107
(619) 226-6279
Build Solar Panel Factories. Install Solar panels on 10 million homes. Energy Profits $3 billion/month Invested: Water Desalination, Education, Healthcare, Transportation.
Lieutenant Governor
4104 24th Street, #766
San Francisco, CA 94114
(415) 963-9240
I'm running for Lieutenant Governor because it's time for us to finally shake up Sacramento and reform state government. As Mayor and Supervisor of San Francisco I have a proven track record of tackling big problems that others ignore, offering bold ideas and delivering real results. That's why our City is the first in America daring to provide quality health care for every single resident—regardless of pre-existing medical conditions. On public education, we are valuing our schools, students and teachers and raising our test scores. While others lay off teachers, we're giving ours more resources to succeed. On the environment, we have the nation's most aggressive local solar incentives, highest recycling rates and strongest green building standards. We're investing in comprehensive job training and putting people back to work in the new green economy. Under the Jobs Now initiative, we've placed more than 2,000 people into jobs, generated $35 million in local wages and allowed local businesses to succeed during difficult times. And we've done it all with balanced budgets and sound fiscal policies that protect taxpayer dollars. I am fired up and ready to change state government. With great optimism and humility, I ask for your vote.
Lieutenant Governor
1720 Torrey Pines Road
La Jolla, CA 92037
(858) 692-0459
As a Ph.D. scientist rather than a career politician, I will bring needed analytical capabilities and new thinking to Sacramento. As the father of young children, I feel adamantly that schoolteachers' jobs should not be sacrificed before seriously cutting government overhead. As a successful small business owner wearing many hats, I can fulfill the Lieutenant Governor's limited responsibilities myself without the budgeted staff of 30, thereby saving California taxpayers $10 million over 4 years. Owing no favors from past political office, I will put the long term interests of all Californians before the short term interests of lobbyists while serving on the State Lands Commission and the Boards of California's University Systems. I request your vote so that I can serve you independently without staff, setting a strong example of fiscal restraint.
Lieutenant Governor
I'm running for Lieutenant Governor because I believe I can help chart a new course for our state—one with good jobs, access to quality education, a cleaner environment and improved public safety. As a former schoolteacher and former businesswoman, I understand the critical link between education and jobs and our economy. That's why the California Federation of Teachers supports my candidacy. As a Regent of the UC and Trustee of CSU, I will fight student fee increases. As a Councilwoman, I have protected public safety and made sure our first responders have the tools and resources they need to keep us from harm. That's why the largest law enforcement organization in the state, the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), representing over 62,000 peace officers across the state, and the California Professional Firefighters, have endorsed my candidacy. The Lieutenant Governor chairs the California Commission for Economic Development, and my commitment to providing jobs and supporting working men and women has earned me the endorsements of the Communications Workers of America and local affiliates of the Pipe Trades, Longshore and Ironworkers Unions. The National Organization for Women and the National Women's Political Caucus, who are excited about electing the first woman Lieutenant Governor in California's 160-year history, also have endorsed my candidacy. This campaign is about standing up for change. I have the experience, energy and determination to help chart a new course for California. I would be honored to have your vote as California's next Lieutenant Governor.
Secretary of State
600 Playhouse Alley, #504
Pasadena, CA 91101
(626) 535-9616
As your Secretary of State, I am committed to ensuring that every California election is conducted fairly and that every ballot is counted as it was cast. In 2008, I received the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award™ for my national leadership in election integrity. To find out more, please visit me at
Attorney General
P.O. Box 90459
Santa Barbara, CA 93190
(805) 899-2600
Pedro Nava is a proven prosecutor and effective crime fighter. He was named "Outstanding Legislator" in 2008 and 2009 by the California State Sheriffs' Association. Pedro Nava, a former Deputy District Attorney in Fresno and Santa Barbara counties, has the expertise and tenacity to keep violent criminals, hardened gang members, and drug kingpins off the street. As a local prosecutor, he led Targeted Narcotics Prosecution and the Asset Forfeiture program. He also protected consumers from criminal rip-off artists. Elected to the State Assembly in 2004, Pedro Nava has authored successful legislation to protect victims from violent sexual predators. He serves on the Domestic Violence Program Advisory Council where he leads state efforts to protect victims of domestic violence. Pedro Nava has also worked to protect Californians from natural disasters and terrorist attacks. Nava is Vice Chair of the Joint Legislative Committee on Emergency Management, serves on the California Emergency Council, and has fought to streamline and strengthen California's emergency preparedness and homeland security efforts. Pedro Nava, a former member of the California Coastal Commission, is spearheading the fight to prevent new offshore oil drilling in California. Pedro Nava will be an Attorney General who puts public safety first. He will protect our communities from violent criminals, toxic polluters, and banks and insurance companies that violate the public trust. Pedro Nava is strongly endorsed for Attorney General by frontline peace officers, deputy sheriffs, and police chiefs and sheriffs. Pedro Nava. A proven prosecutor for Attorney General. For more information:
Attorney General
10923 Randall Street
Sun Valley, CA 91352
(916) 492-8781
For the first time in our state's history, the government spent more money on prisons than higher education. We need to reform prisons and recognize that education is the key to our future and public safety. Education is the best way to shut the revolving door of our prison system—where 70 percent of released inmates return after three years. I'm fighting to reform the prisons by requiring inmates to rehabilitate themselves through work, study or treatment before they are released. Education creates strong communities. That's why I'm working to expand preschool in every neighborhood so kids start school ready to learn. And I'm leading the fight to lower college tuition by taking on big oil with an extraction fee that can't be passed on to consumers. I'm the child of Latino and Asian immigrants who worked as janitors so I could be the first in my family to attend college. I went on to teach college courses to new citizens. I know the true spirit of California opportunity and optimism is nurtured in great schools, not failed prisons. I've earned the overwhelming support of law enforcement because they know with 60 percent of prisoners functionally illiterate—education is the best strategy to prevent crime and rehabilitate criminals. Please join seniors, California Professional Firefighters, the California Federation of Teachers and over 60,000 cops and deputy sheriffs who support me because they agree that the best way to protect public safety is to invest in education.
Attorney General
1475 Powell Street
Emeryville, CA 94608
(510) 919-9327
The first constitutional requirement and duty of the Attorney General is "to see that the laws of the state are uniformly and adequately enforced." But California laws, including those related to jobs, education, health care, transportation, environment, housing and others, are not and cannot be enforced uniformly or adequately. California Supreme Court rules forbid the use or mention in future cases of 90% of appellate opinions, decisions ordered "not to be published", even when they would exonerate us from criminal charges. Seven "unpublished opinions" invalidating $500 "red light camera tickets" aren't protecting others. Different results arise from similar situations. Predictability, reliability and trust are destroyed, and lives devastated by arbitrary, random opinions. Our Supreme Court lobbied the Legislature and defeated several bills to return citizens' rights to cite these opinions, even though the United States Supreme Court restored these rights in federal courts, and most states followed. Your right to free speech is severely limited by this misuse of power. Two California Supreme Court justices are running now for re-election to twelve year terms. We voters need to ask them why we are not allowed to use all opinions and rulings as precedent or examples in future cases? Why won't they return our historical right to exonerate and defend ourselves? Without this freedom, there can be no real reform of our courts, criminal justice system, legal processes, and financial markets that our society desperately needs. I will work to see that all laws are uniformly and adequately enforced.
Attorney General
1510 J Street, Suite 210
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 443-7817
I am running for Attorney General because I believe California, despite its challenges, is still the best state in the best country the world has ever seen. My parents immigrated to America and we lived in the basement of a stranger's house. We sold gifts at flea markets to make ends meet. After several years, we scraped up enough money to open our own gift store. After several more years we expanded to six stores. Through hard work and perseverance, my parents achieved the American Dream. My parents' sacrifices took us from poverty to the middle-class, and gave my brother and me an amazing education: Stanford University and Georgetown Law. I joined the United States Air Force on active duty to give back to this country that has given so much to us. I continue to serve in the reserves as a Judge Advocate General and Prosecutor. As Attorney General, I will ensure all Californians have the opportunity to achieve the American Dream, regardless of gender, age, race, sexual orientation, or social-economic status—and to do so safely and securely. In my many years of public service, I have consistently stood up to powerful interests on behalf of the people of California. Fighting the good fight, improving our economy, and keeping people safe are what get me up every morning. Along with my wonderful wife Betty, a former Deputy Attorney General, and our two rambunctious sons, I humbly ask for your vote.
Insurance Commissioner
5015 Eagle Rock Blvd., #100
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 254-5700 Ext. 25
Personal experience taught me what it's like to deal with health insurance companies. I'm running for Insurance Commissioner to make sure what happened to my family won't happen to yours. When a rare infection put my 5-month old daughter on an intensive care respirator, my wife and I had to fight the health insurance company, while our baby fought for her life. Against our doctor's wishes, they transferred her to another hospital in rush hour traffic, hooked-up to the respirator. Ignoring our doctor again, they sent her home with a feeding tube. As Insurance Commissioner, I'll make sure Californians get the healthcare we pay for. When I found out insurance companies were taking away coverage after people got sick, I stood up to their lobbyists, writing a bill to stop them. I will protect doctor patient relationships—preventing insurance company bureaucrats from making medical decisions. I will work to stop insurers from denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions. I will protect senior citizens from rip-offs by life insurance and annuity companies. I can stand up to special interests because I refuse contributions from insurance companies. I am a proven fighter—even after my colleague was shot in the head, I led the recall of corrupt officials in my Southern California hometown and helped put their leader behind bars. I am proud to be endorsed by California's doctors, firefighters, police and small businesses. I ask for your vote, so I can stand up to heartless insurance companies for all of us.
Insurance Commissioner
1005 12th St., Ste. H
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 349-4236
We need an Insurance Commissioner with the courage, integrity and independence to take on the insurance companies and fight to protect consumers. We need Dave Jones. The Consumer Federation of California named Dave Jones the legislature's "Consumer Champion." Dave Jones will fight to hold insurance companies accountable. Assemblymember Dave Jones has passed over 70 bills demonstrating his commitment to children and families, affordable housing, education, consumer and environmental protection, healthcare, privacy rights, workers' rights, civil rights, equal access to the courts, and economic development. Dave Jones is leading the fight to stop discrimination by insurance companies and to regulate health insurance premium increases. Dave Jones passed crucial legislation to prevent dependent seniors from being ripped-off by abusive conservators. Dave Jones secured over $2.4 billion annually in new funding to provide healthcare for California families. In fact, Dave Jones was honored as California's "Most Effective Legislator" by the Capitol Weekly. Before his election to the Assembly, Dave Jones worked as a legal aid lawyer, providing free representation to seniors, low income families, tenants and consumers. In 1995, Dave Jones was one of only 13 Americans selected as a White House Fellow, where he served in the Clinton Administration as a Counsel to Attorney General Janet Reno. As a candidate for Insurance Commissioner, Dave Jones refuses to accept contributions from insurance companies. He will have the independence to put consumers first. Dave Jones fights for us. Vote for Democrat Dave Jones for Insurance Commissioner. For more information:
Board of Equalization, District 1
601 Van Ness Avenue, #E3-438
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 759-8355
I am proud to be serving the interests of the residents of my district by helping to create jobs and revitalize our state's economy at this difficult time for all of us. As a child of immigrant parents who started and operated for over 30 years a small business laundry in my native San Francisco, I vividly remember the difficulties my parents faced to keep this business running during good and bad economic times. Working families have never had it tougher than right now, and they need the help of government to create jobs and to get our economy back on track. Providing free taxpayer services and assistance, ensuring fair and open hearings for taxpayers who are appealing State tax determinations, and protecting the State's revenues to ensure they are spent wisely remain my top priorities as a member of the Board. I have over 25 years of experience in making state government work for hard-working Californians, and we have much more that must be accomplished during these tough times. Californians deserve the best, most efficient service from their government. My experience in making wise decisions with your tax dollars, my strong sense of fairness for everyone in how to interpret and apply California's tax laws, and my unblemished track record of integrity make me your best choice to continue my service and leadership on the Board. I would be honored to have the privilege of continuing to represent and serve you on the Board of Equalization.
Board of Equalization, District 2
P.O. Box 161527
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 208-2136
My name is Chris Parker. I'm running for the Board of Equalization because I want our economy moving again. Professional politicians spend too much time fighting each other rather than solving the problems facing California's families and seniors. A struggling economy, job losses, and the housing market collapse have all contributed to a statewide financial crisis. Now, more than ever, we need experienced leaders with fiscal expertise to get California back on track. As a seasoned tax expert, I bring a breadth of experience in catching cheaters and rooting out fraud and abuse that costs our state billions in lost revenue. I have delivered millions of dollars in uncollected taxes back to the state to help pay for education, public safety and other vital services. My work has been recognized by business leaders, teachers, farmers, seniors, firefighters, government reformers and nurses who have called me an innovative problem solver who can cut through red tape, reduce government waste, and save taxpayers' money while continuing the work to make our tax system more efficient and fair. On the Board, I'll give small businesses the tools they need to succeed, attract 21st century industries that will generate good middle class jobs, and help create a highly skilled, well educated workforce; I'll hold accountable those who try to cheat California of tax revenue. Please visit to learn more about my experience. My name is Chris Parker and I'm a problem solver, not a politician. I would be honored to earn your support.
Board of Equalization, District 4
P.O. Box 90932
Los Angeles, CA 90009
(310) 672-2992
Jerome E. Horton, Vice Chairperson of the California State Board of Equalization, has twenty-two years of Board of Equalization experience protecting the rights of California taxpayers and fighting for fairness and equity in government. Jerome's background in accounting, finance, and real-estate and business tax law has enhanced the Board of Equalization's reputation as one of California's most productive, responsive, and efficient governmental agencies, generating over $53 billion for schools, public safety, and other vital services. Recently, Jerome expanded the Joint Enforcement Criminal Task Force and initiated other programs credited with prosecuting illegal businesses who cheat California taxpayers. He launched an anti-human trafficking initiative to help eradicate the moral and financial abuse of workers. Jerome also played an important role in establishing the Board of Equalization's "Taxpayers Bill of Rights" making government more accountable to California taxpayers. His programs have recaptured millions of dollars for public services, protected California jobs, and helped eliminate inequities in tax administration. As a former California Medical Assistance Commissioner, Legislator, and member of the California Work Force Investment Board, United Job Creation Council, and the Cultural Endowment Board, Jerome is known as a pragmatic problem solver who cares about the people he serves. As a husband, parent, and grandfather, Jerome remains confident that we can build the coalitions, to find solutions, and meet the challenges of the future. Please vote for Jerome E. Horton, Member State Board of Equalization, who has the demonstrated experience, skill, and proven ability to achieve positive results. Thank you!
The law requires that the order of candidates be determined by randomized alphabet drawing. Statements on this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily submitted by the candidate and is printed at the expense of the candidate. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot.