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Superintendent of Public
Instruction (Nonpartisan Office)


Superintendent of Public Instruction

174 N. Almont Drive, Apt. 102
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

I have been a teacher for 40 years. If elected I will establish California Independent Public Schools, Equal Funding Per Pupil, Community Teacher Corps, Musicians and Artists in Schools, UC/CSU Public School Assistant Teachers, High School Child Care Centers, Seniors Helping Youth.

Superintendent of Public Instruction

P.O. Box 21636
Concord, CA 94521

(925) 682-9998

Teaching has been my life—and my passion—for the past 37 years. As a classroom teacher, coach, legislator and parent, I know our policies must be based on a simple question: What is in the best interest of our children? Not bureaucrats and not politicians. It's time we had a teacher who will put children first and fundamentally reform our schools. First, I will demand real accountability through a comprehensive fiscal and performance audit to cut waste and mismanagement and put those savings into new textbooks and computers. Second, I'll make sure all our neighborhood schools are safe and expand after school, job training and mentorship programs. I'm proud to have received the endorsement of virtually every major public safety organization in California including the California Professional Firefighters along with local classroom teachers. Third, we need involved parents to support teaching that character counts while promoting trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring and good citizenship. Fourth, I'll expand career technical education for high school students. Finally, I'll make the health and fitness of students a top priority. As Chair and Founder of the California Task Force on Youth and Workplace Wellness, I led the effort to ban junk food from school campuses and expand physical education requirements. We can do this. We must do this. Our kids only get one chance at a good education. As a teacher, I have the experience, energy and ideas to transform our schools. Let's do this together. I'd be honored to earn your support.

Superintendent of Public Instruction

116 2nd Street, #5
Pacific Grove, CA 93950-3044

(916) 792-5970

It's time to do something different in California politics and education. First, reject the idea that the candidate who raises the most money is best suited to win the election. Then, elect an honored, active, experienced classroom teacher the next State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Help all our children, teachers and schools. Cast your vote to elect Grant McMicken.

Superintendent of Public Instruction

P.O. Box 32398
Los Angeles, CA 90032

(323) 227-1474

Gloria Romero—an Education Professor and State Senator—has been called "the most prominent advocate of education reform in the Legislature" by the San Jose Mercury-News. She led the fight to give parents real choices over which schools their children attend. Schools are in crisis. We owe it to our children to transform them. California leads the nation in dropout rates and has fallen behind in educating children for college and quality jobs. We need to elect Gloria Romero as Superintendent of Public Instruction because she has the courage to put the needs of children ahead of the giant bureaucracy and special interests who've run the education system for too long. Gloria Romero wrote the new law requiring failing schools to restructure, fire ineffective administrators, revise curriculum, reopen as public charter schools, and allow parents to move their children to better performing schools. Gloria will fight for safer schools, renewed emphasis on the basics, including reading, writing and arithmetic—and smaller class sizes so children get more individual attention. She'll prepare students for the changing economy by improving career technical education/training. Professor Gloria Romero trains the teachers of the future. She understands what skills need improvement so that teachers and schools are ready to meet the challenge. Gloria will fight for more resources for classrooms. But she won't allow tax dollars to be wasted on bureaucracy like usual. She'll be our voice in demanding change and a quality education system we can support.

Superintendent of Public Instruction

P.O. Box 243
San Pedro, CA 90733

Thirty years ago California led the nation in education standards, but today our state ranks near the bottom in almost every category. Professional politicians have failed, putting our children's futures at risk. Lydia A. Gutiérrez's experience in education, local government, and as an aerospace administrator gives Lydia a unique perspective to help our schools provide high quality education for our children. Lydia's experience: 20+ years as a Public School Teacher in California, Master Teacher for UCLA Mathematics Project X, Administrator for 6 years in aerospace industry, Elected Official of Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council, Budget and Finance Committee Chair, Public Safety Committee Vice Chair. Lydia's pledge: Make vocational training an alternative career path to college. Guarantee our tax dollars are effectively used to educate our children. Protect our schools from gangs and sexual predators. Ensure students graduate able to read, write, and speak English. Prioritize reading, math, science and other core academic courses with highly qualified teachers and extended classroom time. Affirm accuracy in textbooks in all content areas including our Founding Fathers, the Constitution and the sovereignty of the United States of America. Secure an active role for parents in decision making over their child's academic success. Children First! Lydia A. Gutiérrez for California State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Superintendent of Public Instruction


(408) 288-8181

As a classroom teacher, I witnessed the impact of crowded classes and a lack of resources on my students. As a school principal, I worked with teachers and parents to improve our classrooms. As a school superintendent, I worked to improve instruction for all students in our district. We expanded preschool programs, set up free medical and dental clinics, started parent training and community centers, and established gang prevention training. I implemented programs to reduce class size and expanded arts, music and technology. During my 15 years as superintendent, I balanced a $70 million budget on time, managed hundreds of teachers and staff and improved accountability in all schools. I was honored to be named "Superintendent of the Year." I'm not a career politician, but a school superintendent with over 30 years of educational experience in California's public schools. I'm running to bring common sense back into our state's broken educational system. It is time to take politics out of our schools! Let's cut the red-tape and let our teachers do the job they are trained to do. I would be honored to have your vote.

Superintendent of Public Instruction

P.O. Box 4306
Huntington Beach, CA 92605-4306

(562) 596-4825

Educators and parents know best how to fix our schools! Legislatures and unions brought our schools from first to worst! Bring back parents' rights and local control! Now is the time for reduced drop-out rates saving $1.1 billion annual crime-related expenses, secured safe schools, reined-in mismanaged districts, new local districts, pay incentives attracting highly-qualified educators, vocational education, teacher empowerment to bring success to undisciplined students; restoring education to first again! Minimum competency requirement in civics/government passes the torch of liberty to each generation, preserving our Democratic Republic. As an educator in the trenches for over thirty years in public high schools and the California Youth Authority, Diane will renew focus on critical thinking skills for making life-choices, student academic success, and getting jobs. Diane will restore our schools to first again! Diane Lenning has a Masters Degree in Secondary Education, and Tier I Administration Credential. Diane is endorsed by education and community leaders around the state. Diane pursues a law degree to implement sound education programs, and will collaborate with education leaders statewide for assessments and goals. Your vote elects a fifth generation Californian who attended California schools and universities when first in the nation. Winner of Medal of Freedom Award and educator in Eli Broad national award-winning district with most improved student scores in the nation.
fax: 562-430-7503


The law requires that the order of candidates be determined by randomized alphabet drawing. Statements on this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily submitted by the candidate and is printed at the expense of the candidate. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot.

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