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Republican Party


U.S. Senator

P.O. Box 3002
Santa Monica, CA 90408-3002

(310) 985-0645

For information visit

U.S. Senator


When I worked for President Reagan, he asked Americans, "If not us, who? If not now, when?" Now we are the ones who must protect America's greatness by reversing the dangerous economic course President Obama and Congress are steering. America is $14 trillion in debt, more than half the money owed to China and other foreign investors, putting America's future in their hands, not ours. If we stopped borrowing today, it would take 300 years to repay what we owe. This staggering debt is immoral—dangerous to our national security and a shameful legacy for our children. As a conservative economist and business professor, I know the urgency of stopping this reckless spending and debt, and understand how it's killing job growth, eroding pensions and threatening our freedom. Because of my fierce opposition to wasteful spending, the National Taxpayers Union Foundation gave me highest marks when I served in Congress, twice rating me "the most frugal" representative. When I served in the State Senate, the California Journal named me "most ethical," "best problem solver" and "best overall Senator." In 2005, California's budget was balanced without gimmicks or new taxes when I was State Finance Director. Tom McClintock praised my work, calling me "clear, straight-forward and honest." Now I have a specific plan for cutting over $750 billion from this year's federal budget. Please review my plan and record at No one will fight harder to stop federal waste and debt, defend liberty and bring new life to America's economy.

U.S. Senator

4790 Irvine Blvd., Suite 105-191
Irvine, CA 92620

I'm running for the U.S. Senate because, as a lawmaker and lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve, I take seriously the oath I have sworn to support and defend the Constitution of the United States; and, as a father, I am deeply concerned about the impact our soaring national debt will have on our children's future. Please join Congressman Tom McClintock; U.S. Senator Jim DeMint; and the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association in supporting my campaign. I am not backed by the business-as-usual Establishment, but I do have the support of hard-working Californians. My conservative principles have led me to oppose: big government, higher taxes, and more regulations; massive Wall Street bailouts; wasteful Federal stimulus programs; government healthcare takeovers; amnesty; and cap-and-trade energy tax schemes. I support: the Constitution; lower taxes, smaller government, and less spending and debt; drilling for America's oil and gas; modern nuclear power; more water for California; secure borders and applying rule of law in our immigration policies. Government's purpose is, as the Founders wrote in the Declaration of Independence, to secure our "unalienable rights" to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"; not try to buy us happiness with billions of dollars borrowed from China. Before being elected to the state Assembly in 2004, I worked in the aerospace industry for 13 years. I also served President Ronald Reagan as a White House appointee in the Department of Defense. To truly change Washington, D.C., volunteer online: I would be honored to have your vote.

U.S. Senator

915 L Street, Suite C-378
Sacramento, CA 95814

I started my business career as a secretary, earned my MBA and became the first and only woman to lead a Fortune 20 company. From that experience I understand the problems people face and what it takes to create jobs. Today our prosperity is threatened by Congress' runaway federal spending and mushrooming federal deficit, which, unless reversed, will burden our children and grandchildren with overwhelming debt and stunt the growth of our economy for a generation. I'm a tough fiscal conservative, running for the U.S. Senate to ensure economic growth and opportunity for all Americans. That's why I signed the no new taxes pledge and will fight to cut federal spending and reduce the deficit. It's time for a political outsider like me who's not tied to the old politics and culture of political payoffs to go to Washington and fight to reform our government. I'll fight to ban all congressional earmarks and political pork that costs us, the taxpayers, so much. We are at war with terrorists who seek to destroy America and our way of life. Now, more than ever, California needs a U.S. Senator who knows firsthand how to keep America safe. My experience as a national security advisor to the State Department and Pentagon gives me a solid understanding of how we can keep America secure. I'll work for a tougher U.S. policy in dealing with terrorists and oppose the Administration's policy to try terrorists in civilian court. I'm Carly Fiorina. I'm asking for your vote.


P.O. Box 7465
Redlands, CA 92375

I am a Christian living by principles in God's Word. I speak the truth and am responsible, reliable, and dependable. Likewise, government must be accountable to the people. I am not a politician but a public servant. I am qualified with an AA, BA (zoology/chemistry), MA (theoretical/research) and Ph.D. (clinical psychology). I published scientific articles, worked in private practice, taught at the university level, Police and Fire Academy, and served on educational committees. I am the March AFB hazardous clean-up co-chair. I own a small farm; work with FFA and 4H. I participate at water agency meetings and have traveled the state studying the water crisis. Two offspring, two grandchildren, married 49 years and we worship at Eagle's Nest Ministries. California endangered species are small business owners, working people, farmers, teachers, and the family. These need commonsense protection. Government needs to get out of the way.


P.O. Box 6019
Auburn, CA 95604-6019

(530) 823-3262

Stop the control that corporations, special interest groups, unions, and individuals have on our politicians and restore the power to California's voters. Less taxes, less spending, and less government.


9828 Petunia Ave.
Fountain Valley, CA 92701

(714) 531-5353

As your Governor, I will ensure all pedophiles will leave the State or volunteer to live confined to Santa Rosa Island, at no cost to Californians, as they will have their own self-supporting village, away from children. I believe all life is precious and must be protected. My prayer and promise to you is to secure the safety of our children. I will lower taxes to bare bones so that Californians will have more money to spend. As Californians spend, businesses will flourish. In addition, I will eliminate some taxes altogether and cut government bureaucracy in half. I had my own corporation for 35 years and I know in depth what it means to have a job, expand business, and how taxes and regulations can keep a business from growing. I will encourage large corporations to do business in California by eliminating regulations and offering "no-tax" incentives. Those large corporations will need workers, which means jobs for Californians. My "Cal Patent Act" will encourage small businesses and entrepreneurs by providing protection of inventions created by "start-ups" and promoting manufacturing in our state. Entrepreneurs will be able to apply for subsidy start-up money to manufacture those newly invented products, thereby creating jobs. When elected, I'll tri-fence our borders from Arizona to the Pacific Ocean. I have lived in California 55 years. I have no desire for monetary gain. I will make California a successful thriving state that its residents can again be proud of.

Lieutenant Governor

P.O. Box 2205
Salinas, CA 93902

Angered by the mess in Sacramento? Then, join my crusade to clean it up. I am a conservative Republican business owner and state senator who is fighting to stop the excessive spending and corruption in Sacramento. To stop the spending addicts, I fought to tie politicians' hands by enacting a strict cap on state spending and requiring a rainy day reserve. To save billions of dollars, I support efforts to secure the border and deport violent illegal immigrant prisoners back to jails in their home countries. I cut my own pay, and wrote the constitutional amendment you passed making pay raises for politicians illegal when the state has a budget deficit. I publicly pressured a politician not to waste tax dollars on new furniture and saved taxpayers millions of dollars. By exposing exorbitant salaries of high-ranking officials who misused tax dollars to fix up their mansions, I helped save millions more. I authored legislation to establish the Office of the Independent Auditor and require a comprehensive audit of state government. Fighting Sacramento's big spenders has earned me some powerful enemies. It has also earned me a 100% rating from the California Taxpayers Association and honors as "Hero of the Taxpayer" from Americans for Tax Reform. As Lieutenant Governor, I'll work to turn California's economy around while continuing my fight to protect taxpayers against waste, fraud and corruption. Join Senate and Assembly Republican Leaders, the California Professional Firefighters and the California Republican Taxpayers Association in supporting my campaign by visiting:

Lieutenant Governor


(951) 965-3943
facebook—girard for lt governor

As a military veteran I bring immeasurable experience of the needs and problems military members and their families face.

Lieutenant Governor

2150 River Plaza Dr., Suite 150
Sacramento, CA 95833

(916) 473-8866

My candidacy is endorsed by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and Congressman Tom McClintock, two names synonymous with fighting taxes and battling outrageous government overspending. Our next Lieutenant Governor must watch out for the taxpayer first. I will hold the Governor and Legislature accountable, speak out when they are wrong—regardless of what political party they belong to—and fight to protect you against any attempt to raise taxes and grow government. My background as an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon has taught me to never overlook the details. I've brought that same attention to detail when exposing waste and overspending in the liberal majority's state budget proposals. It has earned me the reputation of being one of the strongest voices in Sacramento against higher taxes and against overspending. In fact, I strongly opposed budgets that increased taxes and grossly overspent, because I believed we shouldn't spend money that we simply didn't have. It turns out that I was right. I will bring that same conservative, tax-fighting attitude to the job as your next Lieutenant Governor. Please join the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and Congressman Tom McClintock in supporting me for Lieutenant Governor.

Secretary of State

P.O. Box 984
Willows, CA 95988

California's government isn't working, and families and small businesses are paying the price. It's time to fix California. That's why Damon Dunn is running for Secretary of State. Born to a 16 year-old single mother, and struggling through deep poverty, Damon graduated from Stanford University, played in the NFL, and became a successful small business owner. Through his work with the Latino Educational Attainment Initiative, the Make a Wish Foundation, Fighting Giants Ministry, St. Augustine Soup Kitchen, and the Cops-N-Kids programs, Damon has provided hope and assistance to communities across our state. After retiring from professional football, Damon started his own successful business. However, as a businessman Damon quickly learned that government is often a barrier to economic growth and new jobs. As Secretary of State, Damon will focus on two areas: 1) improving California's business climate and 2) protecting ballot integrity as the chief elections officer. Businesses are leaving California and taking jobs to other states. The Secretary of State is in the unique position to meet with these businesses and learn what is causing them to leave. Damon will work to make the necessary changes in California law to keep jobs from leaving our state. In order to expand voter participation, Californians must have faith in the electoral process. Damon will work to pass the simple reform of requiring voter identification. People have to show identification to rent a movie; voters should be required to identify themselves when they vote.



Years of reckless spending and irresponsible budgets have driven our state to near bankruptcy. The career politicians are out of touch and out of ideas. This election is our opportunity to fix California's finances. Coming from a background in Business and Finance, I am appalled at the cavalier way our money is treated in Sacramento. As your new State Treasurer, I will Oppose Tax Increases and insist the legislature Balance the Budget, Stop Wasteful Spending, and get our fiscal house in order. As Chair of the Senate Ethics Committee, I've worked to restore accountability and integrity to state government. As Vice-Chair of the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee, I've strongly opposed every irresponsible state budget that has come out of the legislature, budgets that have put our state into a financial crisis. I've fought every attempt to raise taxes. My tough stand on taxes and the budget has earned me the trust and support of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and the National Tax Limitation Committee. My professional career includes serving as an Investment Finance Executive for seven years, Mayor of my city, and member of the Senate. I'm a founder of the California Women's Leadership Association and have served on the Boards of the National Association of Women Business Owners and the American Cancer Society. As California Treasurer I will protect you, the taxpayer, not the Sacramento politicians and special interests. You can find out more at I would be honored to receive your vote.

Attorney General

10153½ Riverside Drive, #155
Toluca Lake, CA 91602

I'm District Attorney Steve Cooley. It's time we had a professional prosecutor—not a politician—as our Attorney General. As Attorney General, I will challenge the status quo, crack down on government fraud, corruption and abuse of power while fighting to restore integrity and fiscal conservatism to Sacramento. As L.A. County's Chief Prosecutor, I created the Public Integrity Division to prosecute crimes committed by politicians, government officials and corrupt lawyers. My office has prosecuted over 1,000 dangerous criminals under "Three Strikes and You're Out" and obtained more death penalty convictions than any other district attorney in California. I created a Victim Impact Program to assure special protection and assistance for the most vulnerable—the elderly and victims of child and sexual abuse. I'm the only candidate for Attorney General with experience as both a frontline police officer and prosecutor who has personally put murderers, rapists, gang members and child molesters behind bars. I received national recognition for my leadership in bringing escaped killers back from Mexico who fled to escape justice—including the murderer of Deputy Sheriff David March. The California Narcotic Officers' Association calls me the "toughest district attorney in California." Former Republican Governors Pete Wilson and George Deukmejian, and law enforcement organizations representing thousands of police officers, support me. As your Attorney General, I will be the People's Lawyer to make government more accountable to taxpayers and citizens while relentlessly fighting violent crime and aggressively prosecuting white collar criminals and government officials who betray our trust.

Attorney General

3553 Atlantic Avenue, #362
Long Beach, CA 90807-5605

California's Attorney General must protect our basic constitutional rights and freedoms. First is our fundamental right to be free from violent crime. Californians have passed tough laws like "Three Strikes" to guarantee that repeat, violent criminals are locked up for a long time, and that the rights of victims are held above those of criminals. I strongly support these laws and will oppose all efforts to water them down. When California's District Attorneys needed advanced training for criminal prosecutors, they came to me as Dean of Chapman University Law School. We established programs to help improve their performance and put criminals away. Illegal immigrants are crowding our prisons, costing us billions. As Attorney General, I'll challenge the federal government for its failure to control our borders, making it pay the bill for these prisoners. I will fight liberal, activist judges who have invented new "rights" for prisoners, causing the potential release of thousands of violent criminals from prison. I will also fight for taxpayers, small businesses and voters. I have defended taxpayers from illegal attempts to raise taxes and businesses from unconstitutional regulations. I'll stand up for voters when they pass ballot initiatives. I've argued cases at the highest courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court. I've fought for the Boy Scouts, the Pledge of Allegiance, religious freedoms, property rights, and against eminent domain. For more about my positions, please visit I hope to earn your support. Together, we can "secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity."

Attorney General

2150 River Plaza Dr., Suite 150
Sacramento, CA 95833

(916) 473-8866 Ext. 7

California's "Three-Strikes-and-You're-Out" law is under attack, which is one reason the authors of "Three Strikes"—Mike Reynolds and former Republican Secretary of State Bill Jones—are endorsing me for Attorney General. They know I am the only Republican candidate with a consistent public voting record supporting "Three Strikes" instead of opposing it. I'm also the only Republican candidate with a consistent voting record opposing the early release of felons back into our communities. Dumping prisoners into our communities before they have served their time is not a solution to our budget problems. Instead, we should eliminate the absurdly expensive health coverage California currently gives inmates. California prisoners receive better health care than most Californians. This will end on my watch as Attorney General. I have sponsored laws to keep hardened criminals behind bars, to streamline the Death Penalty and to protect crime victims and their families. As a young attorney, I began my legal career at the law firm of Lucas and Deukmejian. In my forty years of law, I've defended small business owners, sponsored death penalty legislation and helped prosecute violent crime. Above all else, I've fought to protect and defend our State Constitution. The Attorney General is the people's lawyer and advocate; I will defend our laws and end politics as usual in this office. Let's defend "Three Strikes", put public safety first and take back our neighborhoods. Thank you and I respectfully ask for your vote.

Insurance Commissioner

P.O. Box 606
Fresno, CA 93709

Former Governor Pete Wilson said Mike Villines is "someone who can bring people together and solve problems" and former Governor George Deukmejian stated "he's an experienced leader we need for these challenging times." As our Insurance Commissioner, businessman Mike Villines has two main priorities … protecting consumers and re-building our economy. For example, he favors letting people carry their health insurance between jobs and making sure consumers have the peace of mind that their insurance will protect them. Mike Villines knows the insurance industry comprises one-tenth of California's economy, so he'll fight to streamline government regulations and create new jobs, not drive them to other states. Additionally, he believes insurance rates can be more affordable by promoting greater competition between insurance companies. A past Assembly Republican Leader, Mike Villines understands that insurance fraud costs Californians an average of $500 per resident … he'll crack down on the fraud causing a staggering rise in insurance premiums. A fiscal conservative, Mike Villines will support cost containment measures that keep worker's compensation rates low so we reduce the cost of doing business in California … no wonder Larry Higby, Chairman of New Majority California, said, " … he understands that the key to job creation is a healthy business climate." Happily married and the father of three children, Mike Villines will also push for common sense solutions that provide health coverage to those individuals with pre-existing conditions who find it difficult to get insurance. Visit

Insurance Commissioner



Regulation of insurance concerns everyone. As Commissioner I will provide consumers protection and a fair and reasonably regulated marketplace. I am a dedicated public servant of 16 years seeking only to provide a stable Department, not use it for advancement to higher office.

Board of Equalization, District 2

1136 Junewood Court
Lodi, CA 95242

(916) 473-8866

As a Jobs/Economy Specialist, it is my job to be the taxpayers' watchdog, and to promote economic growth to create new jobs. My personal three-part pledge to you, the taxpayer, is that above all else I will always stand true to my fiscal conservative values. The second part of that pledge is that I will defend taxpayers and fight against government regulators who destroy jobs. Lastly, I will eliminate wasteful spending. I got to where I am the same way many of you did, through hard work and perseverance. I was born and raised in California. My parents worked in a local cannery and I worked in the fields and orchards to pay for my education. I went to medical school, became a physician and was a Major in the United States Army during Viet Nam. I served in the state legislature and coauthored the Workers' Compensation Reform bill that saved jobs. Now I serve as a Jobs/Economy Specialist at the Board of Equalization where I am fighting every day on behalf of hard-pressed taxpayers. Yes, I am a Republican, but I am more than that. I am a conservative, dedicated to cutting wasteful government and defending taxpayers. I ask that you allow me the privilege of serving you, the taxpayer, on this important taxpayer board. Thank you and I appreciate your vote.

Board of Equalization, District 2

P.O. Box 984
Willows, CA 95988

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association is supporting me because I have a passion for fighting against tax increases on California families and businesses. My extensive experience as a Taxpayer Advocate with a statewide taxpayer watchdog organization, as a businessman and as a state senator (who kept a no-tax pledge) uniquely qualifies me to protect the interests of you, the taxpayer. Politicians in Sacramento and Washington are killing job growth with regulation and red tape. They are worried that if I am elected to the Board I will challenge the status quo. They are right. That is exactly what I will do. Unlike most of the people in Sacramento, I welcome and support the Tea Party activities because it echoes what I have been saying for years: Government is too large. Unfortunately, liberals don't understand this concept. My tax philosophy is simple: Do not overtax the People. When the People are excessively taxed their liberty is lost. I authored Jessica's Law, which created the toughest sexual predator laws in the nation. We had to take Jessica's Law to the ballot because the Legislature failed to act. I also created California's Amber Alert, which has resulted in nearly 200 reunions of abducted children with their parents. Visit to learn more about my mission to change California and protect the taxpayers of our state.

Board of Equalization, District 2


Sick of politicians and taxes? That's why I'm running for Board of Equalization—to protect taxpayers and defend the Constitution. As author of "Megan's Law," requiring public notification when sexual predators move into your neighborhood, I saved thousands of children from molestation. The ACLU said "No," but we won! I'm proud to be an official proponent of Proposition 13, lowering property taxes. With rampant mismanagement and wasteful spenders in Sacramento, I will fight all tax increases. The BOE can do more damage to your wallet than the Legislature! As Board Member Bill Leonard's Chief-Deputy and taxpayer advocate, I have effectively fought the abusive government bureaucracy, saving taxpayers millions of dollars. I'm a rock-solid, effective conservative who believes Californians are over-taxed and under-served! National Tax Limitation Committee repeatedly named me "Taxfighter of the Year." Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association's Jon Coupal says, "We have great respect for Barbara and she has excellent conservative credentials." California Taxpayers Committee: "You're a great conservative and our best taxpayers' advocate." California Small Business Association: "You do a great job representing small business as the taxpayers' best defender at BOE." I'm endorsed by Republican clubs, volunteers, and taxpayer groups. Representing you is not a career, it's a public service. You can reach me at As a business owner, wife and mother I know how tough it is to make ends meet. I'll never forget who I work for: you. I'd be honored to have your vote!

Board of Equalization, District 2

734 E. Serena Avenue
Fresno, CA 93720

(559) 273-6518

I've spent the last 25 years interpreting and applying Sales Tax laws as a tax auditor for the State Board of Equalization. My qualifications and experience make me your best choice for making this agency better for taxpayers. You deserve a representative who has expertise with Sales Tax laws and who will fight for common-sense reforms within the agency. Taxpayers who appeal their state tax liabilities will have confidence that decisions will be correct and fair. I would be honored to serve you on the State Board of Equalization.

Board of Equalization, District 3

P.O. Box 2618
Spring Valley, CA 91979-2618

(800) 533-1396

Keeping it simple and fair

Board of Equalization, District 3

27520 Hawthorne Blvd., #270
Palos Verdes, CA 90274

(310) 697-9000

Taxpayers should always come first! On the Board of Equalization, I've worked to protect taxpayers from overly aggressive state tax agencies. I've also fought for the cause of small business owners, and I opposed every attempt to raise taxes on hard working Californians. Over the past four years, I was able to defeat efforts to create a $500 million tax on digital Internet downloads—the so-called I-Tax. I also began auditing state government and discovered that the state had delayed the return of $42 million in tax deposits owed to more than 5,500 small businesses. My husband and I own a small business, and we worry about our children's future, especially when businesses are leaving California every day because of high taxes and endless regulations. Now more than ever, our state must help small businesses by lowering taxes and reducing regulations. I'll never forget watching my mother nearly three decades ago when, as a small business owner, she went before the Board of Equalization to contest an unfair tax bill. She was so frustrated that Board Members didn't even listen as she told her story. In the end, she didn't have the means to fight the massive state agency, and she ended up paying a tax bill she didn't owe. No taxpayer should be treated like that. As long as I am on the Board of Equalization, I will be a strong advocate for taxpayers, ensuring their voice is heard. I would be honored to have your support.


The law requires that the order of candidates be determined by randomized alphabet drawing. Statements on this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily submitted by the candidate and is printed at the expense of the candidate. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot.

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