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No Candidate Statement Submitted
A government is a lethal weapon. It must be kept under control by the people. Our government is out of control. Out of control spending. Out of control debt. Out of control penal system. Out of control surveillance. Out of control drone warfare. I know only four ways to control government: bribery with billions of dollars, massive civil disobedience, armed insurrection, or voting. I say, VOTE! The wealthy special interests and corporations that run this country want you to vote for a traditional political party, or stay home. I am not a famous person, just a physician from Cleveland Ohio with a love for this country and our Constitution and a desire to set things right. Balance the budget. Put more limits on government and take limits off people. End the stupid war on marijuana and end mass incarceration. Let our overseas troops and non-violent drug offenders rejoin their families. Vote Dr. Marc Allan Feldman for President of the United States. Thank you for your support.
Each American has an opportunity to take a stand for freedom and to create her (or his) own individual Blueprint reshaping our world!
More than other parties, our Libertarian party offers the best opportunity for Peacebuilding over warmongering...communicating "freedom and liberation" over "slavery and oppression."
Many non-white Americans and Women everywhere have suffered and are oppressed today !
Your only candidate advocating --Equality of human rights (incl. equal pay); "First Amendment" freedoms in global/foreign policy; "Apology for slavery" and for "the exploitation of Native Americans," see State of Virginia Resolution, (Feb'07); Education Reform — concerning indigenous identity.
American Veteran for Veterans...the only candidate addressing all the issues!
Our Libertarian platform is not dogmatic...rather, favoring 'individual freedom' concerning "pro-life, pro-choice", compared to other "party platforms,"...ours is the most life-favoring platform!
This nation can only be stronger when all join together, respecting every ethnic identity and religion...anything less, creates division..a country united for the purpose of advancing and education its people is not a country that manipulates "indigenous" history.
America's history is consecrated by the blood of those whose sacrifices made it possible (the medal of honor recipients)...to arrive at the threshold of America's greatness!
To continue building that nation, we must abide by the inscription etched upon the Statue of Liberty...whose words echo around the world !
P.O. Box 17271
San Antonio, TX 78217
Tel: (210) 300-4750
Email: Rhettrsmith@gmail.com
As we all know, Government has gotten out of control. The over bloated spending, the restrictions on individual freedom and the trampling on the rights of the States. And as we see lately, a lot more divisions set into place. As a people, we've fallen into the divisions easily and have forgotten that "A Divided Nation will NEVER Stand Strong!"
This is the time when ALL people need to UNITE as ONE People, ONE Nation with a government of By, For & With the people as it was intended. The time when we need to set aside our differences and come together on the commonalities for All People, near and far.
The first step is to set Term Limits and cut the salaries, perks, etc. Politics was NEVER intended to be a career choice, for then the career becomes foremost over the people. An elected official is to serve the people and receive a token payment to cover their expenses as appreciation for their service. NO pensions or other such rot just because they were elected to serve. Their pensions, etc. should come from what they had going prior to serving and after. Not the taxpayers responsibility!
I also support a Non-intervention Foreign Policy. It is one thing to stand in solidarity with another Country but it is another to send troops. The best Leaders are the ones who have the capabilities to reach a mutual agreement without sanctions, military presence, etc. I believe I am that candidate.
Email: joy4thepeoplesvoice@yahoo.com
No Candidate Statement Submitted
No Candidate Statement Submitted
No Candidate Statement Submitted
No Candidate Statement Submitted
No Candidate Statement Submitted
When I first joined the Libertarian Party in 1999, it was proudly known as "The Party of Principle." We are now at a crossroads and must answer the question; Will the Party actually be the Party of Principle in 2016 and beyond?
For too many election cycles the Libertarian Party has nominated Presidential candidates who have claimed they can bring more members to the Party or get a certain vote percentage by delivering a watered down message of liberty. I say, now is the time to try something different. I say, now is the time for the Libertarian Party to again be the Party of Principle. Now is the time for the Libertarian Party to again be the Party that believes that no person or group has more rights than any other person or group. No person can delegate a right they don't possess to another person, and no group can claim a right not possessed by any member of the group. Further, since no group of people can have more rights than any individual member of the group, no group can revoke the rights of any other person or group. Therefore, any law, regulation, statute, or other dictate can not rightly infringe on the rights of any person.
If you believe as I believe, please join me in stating as loudly as possible, and as often as possible: "Libertarians support freedom on every issue, every time!"
In Peace, Freedom, Love & Liberty
Darryl W. Perry
63 Emerald St #369
Keene, NH 03431
Tel: (202) 709-4377
Email: Darryl@DarrylWPerry.com
No Candidate Statement Submitted
Jack Robinson's presidential campaign highlights his new economic model - "Trickle Up Economics" - which will become the launch pad for America’s unification - breaking Washington's impasse and galvanizing American's toward the same economic goals.
"Trickle Up Economics" makes small modifications to our current monetary lending structure that will usher in a new era of unimagined wealth, health, education and equality while saving trillions each year from our federal expenditures. Government dependence will be eliminated.
Annual savings from "Trickle Up" programs will provide the seed money for the new lending structure that Jack envisions. This seed money is accumulated into a "Newborn Fund" - which is nothing more than a fund set up for banks to capitalize themselves with long term loans. The monies borrowed from the "Newborn Fund" are in the form of 25 year loans at 3% interest and can only be borrowed by our federally insured banks.
While the principle of the loan will be "repaid in full" to the government - as any loan would be - the unusual covenant of the loan is that the annual interest payment for each program will be paid into each newborn's individual bank account - rather than back to the government.
The modifications provided by Trickle Up Economics benefit everyone: government, taxpayers, businesses and banks. We will fund our safest banks, utilizing the interest payments to break the poverty cycle, purchase healthcare policies, pay for secondary education and fund wealth retirement accounts for every American citizen without discrimination.
P.O. Box 633
Spartanburg, SC 29304
Email: jrobinson@robinsonforpresident.com
The order of the candidate statements was determined by randomized alphabet drawing. Statements on
this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily
submitted by the candidate. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot.