Official Title and Summary Prepared by the Attorney General Court Consolidation. Legislative Constitutional Amendment.
- Amends Constitution to delete references to the municipal courts. These references are now obsolete due to the consolidation of superior and municipal trial courts into unified superior courts previously approved by voters.
- Deletes from Constitution the provisions providing for municipal courts in each county and vesting judicial power of the state in municipal courts.
- Makes certain conforming and related changes in Constitution to reflect consolidation.
- Provides that the constitutional provision governing the transition process to a unified superior court will be automatically repealed on January 1, 2007.
Summary of Legislative Analyst's Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact:
- No additional cost to state or local government.
Final Votes Cast by the Legislature on ACA 15 (Proposition 48)
Assembly: |
Ayes 72 |
Noes 0 |
Senate: |
Ayes 38 |
Noes 0 |