Official Title and Summary Prepared by the Attorney General Before and After School Programs. State Grants. Initiative Statute.
- Increases state grant funds available for before/after school programs, providing tutoring, homework assistance, and educational enrichment.
- Makes every public elementary, middle/junior high school, including charter schools, eligible for after school grants ranging from $50,000$75,000. Maintains local funding match requirement.
- Provides priority for additional funding to schools with predominantly low-income students.
- Requires that, beginning 200405, new funding for before/after school programs not be taken from education funding, guaranteed under Proposition 98. Gives priority to schools already receiving grants and requires increasing expenditures only if state revenues grow.
Summary of Legislative Analyst's Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact:
- Additional annual state costs for before and after school programs of up to $455 million, beginning in 200405.