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As a family insurance agent for the past 30 years, I've had to fight insurance companies on behalf of my clients. And as an elected official, I've had to fight government bureaucracy on behalf of my constituents. As your Insurance Commissioner, I'll fight to protect consumers while bringing competition and economic growth to California's insurance marketplace. More competition means more choices and better rates for consumers, but under its current leadership, the California Department of Insurance has become a hostile bureaucracy that is driving companies out of our state. At the same time, there is too much fraud and abuse in our insurance marketplace. As Insurance Commissioner, I will work to increase criminal penalties for fraud and will aggressively prosecute those who prey on seniors and our most vulnerable citizens. But there is also tremendous abuse in the insurance system—abuse that may not be criminal but that nonetheless costs consumers millions of dollars. The cost of insurance in our state is too high, and frivolous lawsuits are a big part of the reason. As Insurance Commissioner, I will clamp down on lawsuit abuse and fight the trial lawyers and their lobbyists in Sacramento. The Insurance Commissioner has a duty to protect consumers and foster a business climate that will improve our state's economy and create more jobs. We can do better. I respectfully ask for your vote on June 3rd. Please visit tedgaines.com for more information.
Four years ago, Californians elected Dave Jones as Insurance Commissioner to fight for consumers and hold insurance companies accountable. Dave Jones has saved consumers $1.4 billion by ratcheting down excessive auto and homeowners insurance rates. We need an Insurance Commissioner with the courage, integrity, and independence to fight to protect consumers. We need Dave Jones. Dave Jones refuses to accept contributions or gifts from insurance companies. He worked to provide health insurance to millions of uninsured Californians. He issued regulations to stop health insurers from discriminating against people with pre-existing conditions. He required health insurers to cover autistic children. Jones is leading the fight to regulate health insurance premium increases. When life insurance companies failed to pay the beneficiaries of policyholders who had died, Jones led a national investigation and recovered hundreds of millions. Californians pay more when fraudsters scam insurance companies. Since Jones took office, his department has made over 2,000 arrests for fraud. Jones has enacted regulations to protect seniors from scams. And he has investigated and helped prosecute criminals who prey on elders. Jones insists that insurers buy goods and services from California's diverse businesses and disabled veterans. Insurers must also now consider climate change impacts, thanks to Dave Jones. Jones has helped over 100,000 consumers with complaints about their insurance companies. He has recovered $182 million for consumers. The Consumer Federation of California named Dave Jones a “Consumer Champion.” Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones fights for us. Vote for Democrat Dave Jones for Insurance Commissioner. Visit www.davejones2014.com.
Quality healthcare should be a universal right! Abolish the insurance companies! Register Peace and Freedom Party.
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