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California public schools need big changes to prepare students to compete in a global economy. Our schools rank 45th in the nation in reading and math—but Sacramento politicians have failed to make changes that will help students succeed. In California, politicians make too many education decisions, and the education bureaucracy has too much control over local schools. I'm the only candidate with a proven record of turning around failing schools. When I led a group of 17 public schools serving 15,000 students in Los Angeles, we increased graduation rates by 60%. Our innovative “Parent College” became a national model for getting parents involved in schools. And, over the last 5 years, our schools ranked #1 in academic improvement among California's large school systems. Previously, I led efforts to establish 9 new charter schools—giving parents high-quality alternatives to failing schools. We know how to educate kids. But we need to get the politicians out of the way. I'll be an independent advocate for parents and students—not political insiders. First, I'll cut the education bureaucracy and wasteful programs to put more money into classrooms. Second, I'll help give parents more control over their local schools—and a bigger role in their kids' education. Third, I'll work everyday to make sure all students can benefit from effective teachers and principals and a college-ready curriculum. Please read my plan at www.marshalltuck.com. Our schools need major changes now. That's why I'm running for State Superintendent. Let's do better for California's children.
What I learned as a classroom teacher still guides me today as your superintendent: Decisions about our education tax dollars should be made by parents, teachers, and schools themselves, not by politicians in Washington or Sacramento. As a teacher, I am driven by different values than those who see public schools as a place for private gain. That's why, while managing the complex financial issues facing our schools, I fought against education cuts and for reforms putting more control back in the hands of local communities and schools. Teachers know students need skills they can apply in the real world of careers and college. That's why we are expanding career and technical training for high school students. Teachers also know a lot happens after the school day ends. That's why I helped create the largest system of after-school programs in the nation. And we all know that nothing matters more than the safety of our children. That's why I wrote laws to make schools safer, including preventing child sexual abuse. And I will keep working to keep drugs, gangs, and guns out of our schools. Education takes teamwork. I am proud to be supported by respected law enforcement advocates like the California Association of Highway Patrolmen, along with nurses, firefighters, and California's classroom teachers. There's more to do to help all children get the education they deserve. With respect, I ask for your support and your vote so I can keep working for our students and their future.
Putting children first is the driving force of my life—and my passion. I believe parents, teachers, and local school boards know what is best for the academic success of our children. My 25 years experience as a teacher, 6 years on the Neighborhood Council, and former aerospace administrator gives me a unique perspective and understanding of the educational demands for the 21st Century. My pledge: I will put an end to the federal government's mandated testing that has caused liberal arts to be cast aside and still have academic accountability. I will introduce “scientifically proven” standards that are developmental and age appropriate, including for special needs children. I will push for legislation protecting children from sexual predators and create healthy alternatives to gang life. I will guarantee our tax dollars are used to educate our children, like after school tutoring, by making expenditures of public and charter schools transparent. I will make certain “College and Career Readiness” includes a balance of art, music, and literature with core academics, creating a foundation for innovative thinking; therefore, every school would offer life and vocational trade skills to prepare students for independence the day after graduation. Finally, I will affirm accuracy in textbooks in all content areas including our Founding Fathers, the Constitution, and the sovereignty of the United States of America. I am proud to have the support of parents and local classroom teachers throughout California. Let us together, put children first! I would be honored to earn your trust.
The order of the statements was determined by lot. Statements on this page were supplied by the candidates
and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily submitted by the candidate and is printed
at the expense of the candidate. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot.