United States Senator
5757 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 395
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Phone: (323) 904-4949
Thank you for giving me the honor of representing California in the U.S. Senate. I've worked hard to protect California families, and I'm proud of my record. I wrote the first ever federal after school program to keep our kids safe and a tough new standard to protect our drinking water. I strongly believe that polluters, not taxpayers, should pay to clean up the toxic waste sites they created. After September 11, I wrote provisions to add marshals on airline flights and increase security at our ports and railroads. Now, instead of spending hundreds of billions in taxpayer money overseas, it's time to focus on problems here at home. We must revitalize our economy, and that means giving incentives to companies to keep jobs here at home. I'm pushing for targeted tax cuts that help working families, like making health care and college tuition costs tax deductible. To make our communities safer, handguns should be equipped with child safety locks and the ban on military style assault weapons should be extended. I have introduced a Patient's Bill of Rights to ensure that doctors make health care decisions, not insurance company bureaucrats. I'll continue to fight to stop the government from using the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans. And I will always fight to protect a women's right to choose. Thank you for reading this message and I hope I have earned your vote.