United States Senator
As your senator, I will promote policies to enhance our future as a society instead of creating profit for the wealthy few. We need universal quality public education from pre-school through graduate school. Education is not luxury or a job-training camp for existing corporations and industries. People who have skills and knowledge in all fields can think, solve problems and work together for our common good. To have a vibrant society, all people must enjoy a decent standard of living. That is why I stand for doubling the minimum wage and a guaranteed basic income for all people who cannot work. We need health care for all, not just as a right, but as a safeguard against epidemics. Insurance companies and pharmaceutical corporations drive up the price of health care. I propose to replace them with a publicly-funded national health care system. We need to stop war and the war economy. Let's stop attacking and occupying other countries, researching and building weapons, and supporting Israel's apartheid wall in Palestine. Instead, we can gain worldwide trust, cooperation and good will. We need to take care of our earth. We need to protect the ecosystems which hold the key to life on this planet, instead of allowing building and logging, grazing and drilling on the land which should be a common trust. Why continue voting for war and greed? Let's work together to create a world for future generations to enjoy. Register and vote Peace and Freedom Party.