United States Senator
940 South Coast Drive, Suite 190
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone: (714) 438-1114
I am a third generation Californian, blessed with a successful career as a farmer and businessman along with public service in the Legislature and as Secretary of State working to ensure fair and open elections. I'm personally committed to increasing energy supplies through alternative fuels. I have founded one of California's largest alternative fuel companies to reduce reliance on foreign oil and improve our environment. I want to rebuild California's jobs, improve public schools, provide health care that protects our elderly and most vulnerable, and protect our environment. I will oppose the failed policies of tax, spend and regulate that have sent jobs overseas. I authored the "Three Strikes Law" decreasing crime rates 42% over the last 10 years by keeping dangerous repeat felons behind bars. As I have worked to make our streets safe, I'm committed to making our country safe against terrorism. My wife is a public school teacher, and we have a personal commitment to quality public schools. I co-chaired Proposition 204, one of the largest environmental initiatives in California's history, and authored the foundation of our safe drinking water and food safety laws - working with Republicans and Democrats. Instead of the 76 cents we now get for every California tax dollar sent to Washington, we need our fair share of federal spending to cover the costs of illegal immigration and fund improvements to our roads. I ask for your vote so I can continue working for all Californians in the United States Senate. Thank you. www.jonesforcalifornia.com