United States Senator
For information about candidates running for President, click on the links below.
520 3rd Street, Ste. 201
Oakland, CA 94607
(510) 587-0807
No statement provided.
Greetings Green Sisters and Brothers, My name is David Cobb, and I am writing to advise you of my efforts to earn the nomination for President. I have served as the General Counsel for the national Green Party since 1999. I helped to found the Green Party in Texas, and co-coordinated the Texas ballot access petition drive in 2000. (We collected 76,100 signatures in 75 days)! I managed Ralph Nader's 2000 presidential campaign in Texas. In 2002 I ran for Attorney General, helping to create local Green Party chapters across the state. The Green Presidential campaign can and should be a genuine partnership between the candidate, the campaign, and the Green Party. My specific goals in 2004 are to increase Green Party membership; to build and strengthen our internal infrastructure; to help elect local candidates and initiatives; and to create state and local chapters where they do not yet exist. Most importantly, I will consistently articulate Instant Runoff Voting and Proportional Representation as the response to Green's as "spoilers." I believe any potential candidate should articulate their personal preferred strategy, and mine is described in detail at http://www.gwu.edu/~action/2004/cobb.html I believe we can increase party membership, strengthen our infrastructure, form new state and local parties and help unelect Bush! I will enthusiastically and without reservation support the winner of the Green Party nominating process, (even if the winner is "No Candidate").
Hello. My name is Kent Mesplay. I am running for president. When I lived in Chicago while working on my Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering I began to realize that there are already technical solutions to most of the problems that face humanity. Back then, while in my twenties, I wasn't at all interested in politics. But, I began to learn that life is about politics. As a scientist I am concerned that both problems and solutions that are talked about by scientists are not heard by our politicians. Most elected officials are not elected to solve our problems. They are elected to help out their buddies who helped them get in to office. A vote for Mesplay is a vote to change that. A vote for a Green is always a vote to solve problems. We need to move toward National Energy Independence based upon renewable energy. We can do this and we need to do it quickly. I greatly respect our military personnel and I admire their courage in following orders and working to make a better world. The problem with the war in Iraq is that it is not a fully honest war. Yes, it is about Saddam, and it is about Democracy. It is also about oil. We need to start talking about this and asking tough questions about where we are going as a nation. I vote out of protest and to help my party. Please register Green and vote Mesplay.
If nominated as the US Green Party presidential candidate, my campaign will focus on urgent global environmental issues, especially global warming. My top priority would be drastic reduction - at least 60% over the next decade - in oil consumption through carbon taxes, whereby fossil fuels are taxed proportionate to their carbon content. I would earmark these revenues for carbon-reducing projects such as public transportation, weatherization for low-income family homes, rehabilitation and subsidization of Amtrak to lower the cost of travel, and spurring of renewable energy technologies here and in poor foreign countries. As part of my energy plan I favor full-cost pricing of goods and energy, wherein the environmental and social costs are reflected in the consumer price, and an end to all corporate subsidies (energy, timber, agriculture, fisheries, airlines, automotive sector, etc.) in order to achieve a true free market. Additionally, I favor a universal single payer health plan funded through a graduated income tax surcharge. I oppose NAFTA and WTO and would seek drastic reform of the World Bank and IMF. We must protect women's rights in religious states as well as here and should sign the biosafety, and other international protocols as well as the Convention to End All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and we must join the International Criminal Court. My campaign is based on Ecology and Democracy, with vigorous protection of our Constitution and Bill of Rights and termination of the present Patriot Act.
Statements on the following pages were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily submitted by the candidate.
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