United States Senator
For information about candidates running for U.S. Senator, click on the links below.
Hello Activists! I want to be a strong voice for you in our Nation's Capitol. I have been preparing for this job my entire life.Experience - With over 40 Years of developing successful business skills, I now have the enthusiasm, the energy, the time, and the tenacity to fight the liberals for you on the floor of The United States Senate. Priorities include stopping illegal aliens from entering or staying in our country, a program of firearms safety training for all age groups, and opening up more recreational land for off-road use. I Do Care- Seniors, veterans, and the education of our children are high on my list of concerns. Standards - I will not take campaign contributions from gambling, tobacco, alcohol or the abortion industries. Courage of Convictions - I will fight to preserve the sacred tenets of our Constitution and the symbols of our nation's heritage that are engraved on our money, recited in our Pledge Of Allegiance, placed on our public buildings and used daily in our swear-on-the-Bible courtrooms. Balance - A Danney Ball election to the United States Senate will mean millions of conservatives, Republicans, and family-values Californians will have a say in what takes place in Washington, DC. Get Ready! - I am asking for your vote and your continued prayers as I seek to bring a new level of representation to all Californians. Remember, without your help nothing will change so please distribute copies of this statement. Thank You! Become a volunteer. Mentor someone today!
While I served the President in Washington D.C., I saw firsthand that California clearly needs new leadership in the Senate. I strongly support our military and the war on terrorism, a quality education for every child, balanced policies on the environment, and reform in our immigration laws. Giving drivers' license or amnesty to illegal immigrants is dead wrong; a legitimate, monitored work permit program is the right solution. As a businesswoman, I know that small businesses are the economic engine of job creation and I support the President's tax relief and jobs growth plan. I support free trade to open foreign markets to American products. I recognize that frivolous lawsuits are draining our economic potential and strongly support legal reform. I pledge no tax increases. As a three-time mayor, I worked tirelessly to defend property rights. The protection of individual rights and freedoms forms the backbone of my campaign. For the Republican Party to win, we must be inclusive. As your next Senator, I will work closely with our Governor to build a Republican Party that welcomes all Californians. I've been fortunate to have many experiences- a mayor, a mother, a businesswoman, and a senior Bush appointee in the Small Business Administration- all of which will help me serve you as your Senator. Together, we can build a future which allows all Californians to share in the American Dream. If you would like to defeat Boxer, vote for Toni Casey. I would be honored to have your vote.
Nothing would please and honor me more than to serve you and my country as a U.S. Senator from California. I am running because I have waited twenty years for a candidate or elected official to address a threat facing America's very existence. I am referring to uncontrolled immigration. We are losing our sovereignty. Our language is but one of over one hundred spoken in our state. We are being colonized by the people of numerous nations that have no intentions of assimilating in our society but rather establishing a mini-nation within our nation. Two decades ago I spent four years as Mayor and City councilman of Monterey Park traveling from coast to coast warning my fellow Americans that we were being invaded by the third world and what it would mean to our way of life. Today it is almost too late to save our great republic, but one issue tells me we many still have hope. Many Americans of all races are outraged at drivers' licenses being offered to illegals. I see a greater turn out of voters. I hope this means the electorate is ready to fight for this nations' survival. My love for this nation of nations is intense. I have seen the world and nothing compares. I ask that you give me your trust and your vote. I will restore our western civilization and regain control over America's borders.
California needs responsible new leadership in the United States Senate. Our citizens deserve to be represented by someone who rejects the failed big government policies of tax, spend and regulate. As your Senator, I will share your commitment to rebuilding California's economic engine, creating jobs, improving our schools and protecting the quality of our air and water. I authored California's tough "Three Strikes Law" which keeps dangerous repeat felons behind bars. You can always count on me to defend our communities from crime. I will also be a passionate and unwavering supporter of the President's leadership in the war against terrorism. We need an effective taxpayers' advocate in the Senate. The federal government has a responsibility to help California deal with the growing costs of illegal immigration. They have also short-changed California taxpayers, returning approximately 70 cents of every dollar we send to Washington. My many years of experience as California's Secretary of State and as a leader in the State Assembly have given me the skills to work with the President and Congress on these issues and I will get results. I am a second generation Californian who has been blessed with the opportunity to combine a successful career as a farmer and a businessman with public service. California is truly the greatest state in the greatest nation on earth. We need leaders with the vision, courage and skills to overcome our current challenges and restore the California Dream. With your support, I will provide this kind of leadership.
P.O. Box 1445
Sacramento, CA 95812
(916) 441-6197
As Chairman of the Recall Gray Davis Committee (www.RecallGrayDavis.com), I was honored to lead the historic effort to restore hope to our state. Now we must continue to change the failed leadership in California by electing a new U.S. Senator. I am a proud conservative Republican who was elected to serve three terms in the State Assembly from 1994 to 2000. During that time I fought for lower taxes, cuts in wasteful government spending, stronger border control, traditional values and a return to the basics in our schools. I adamantly opposed giving drivers' licenses, welfare benefits and voting rights to illegal immigrants. I support a strong national defense and believe in supporting the men and women of our armed forces. I believe we must appoint judges who will adhere to constitutional principles and protect our liberties - and who won't legislate from the bench. My record demonstrates that I keep my campaign promises and stand by my convictions. That's why I've been endorsed by the Republican Liberty Caucus, the National Tax Limitation Committee PAC, the Gann Taxpayer Organization, Concerned Women for America and countless other Republican leaders. I would be honored to earn your support as well. It was my privilege to serve as the leader of the Defend Reagan Committee (www.DefendReagan.org), which successfully fought to preserve the great legacy of President Ronald Reagan, my role model. If you want to see strong Republican leadership representing you in the U.S. Senate, please join my campaign by signing up at www.howardforsenate.com.
President Bush needs a California Senator who will support his agenda of tax cuts, economic opportunity, and a strong national defense. Those issues are central to my campaign for the Senate where I will fight to create jobs, reduce wasteful spending and cut taxes on working families. I'm proud to be a George W. Bush Republican. He personally appointed me United States Treasurer where I served on his economic team, winning passage for the tax cuts and economic recovery. I promoted the President's education reforms in the No Child Left Behind Act. To improve education, I believe in local control, reducing bureaucracy, demanding accountability and insisting every child learns English. I assure you this: when I'm in the Senate, the President will have another strong ally in his fight against tyrants and terrorists. America's military deserves our support, not knee-jerk negative criticism. When, with my own eyes, I saw the Pentagon burn on 9/11, I vowed that America must aggressively confront the terrorists that want to destroy us for how we live. Without question, to defend our country we must also protect our borders. I opposed S.B. 60-giving drivers licenses to illegal immigrants- and supported its repeal. The daughter of a janitor and a seamstress, I rose to become a Mayor, key aide to California's Governor, and 41st Treasurer of the United States. I passionately believe in the American Dream because I've lived it. I'd be honored to have your support to make that Dream possible for everyone.
P.O. Box 1087
El Granada, CA 94018
(650) 726-2088
www.qforcongress.com |
At a time when our nation needs the best, I am ready to serve as your next senator. I am a new leader whose commitment to make our nation Stronger, Prouder and Better go on unabated and is recognized by Californians based on a record of personal and family accomplishments. Please visit my website www.qforcongress.com for details. I will legislate what is good for California. I will work to keep the American Dream alive for small businesses and working families, will lower taxes and simplify the present tax system, will legislate affordable healthcare for Americans and preserve the social security system, and will work to boost the strength of our schools and wipe out the crime and drugs that threaten our entire society. To reduce traffic gridlock and its environmental impact, I will work to install mass rapid transportation systems and explore renewable sources of energy to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. To keep the jobs at home, I will make trade fair and balanced. Politicians are out of control and won't reform themselves. They run again and again and have embarrassed us. If we elect them again, the joke is on us. Californians of this great diverse state want a change. They want Citizens Legislators to represent them. They want actions, new ideas and solutions to solve the state's problems. If elected, I plan to contribute my salary to local charities and will work with you to make this state a better place for us and our children.
31120 Lahontan Street
Temecula, CA 92592
(909) 224-7587
www.jamesstewartforsenate.com |
I am probably the most unlikely candidate, but the very type of candidate that I would want representing me. I am a 43-year-old father of three young adults and the husband of my wife, Lisa, for 23 years. I have been a barber for 26 years and have been listening to customers complain about everything from Medicare and Prescription Drugs to the Economy. As a frustrated voter, I feel compelled to give the people of California a chance to vote for someone just like them. I have listened to you, and now I would like the opportunity to echo your wishes in Washington. I have run my own business for twenty years and understand the principles of revenue and expenditures. I have a good understanding of foreign affairs and most of the domestic issues that we are all concerned with. I do not have a long list of endorsements or a political pedigree to show off. I do have a wife who loves me and three great kids that I am proud of. If you are looking for a politician who knows you and where you are coming from, I'm your man. If you want a career politician who is moving up to the next rung of the ladder, keep looking. I would be proud and honored to represent you and your family in Washington. I promise that I have no hidden agenda. My only desire is to represent the people of California. But I need your Help!
No statement provided.
I'm a supporter of "Rational Republicanism" which is neither liberal, moderate or conservative but a mixture of reasonable, responsible positions that require fiscally sound platforms alongside social programs that reflect affordable needs and desires of the population majority. Among my platforms are: support for the mid-east "roadmap to peace" with some measure of the Geneva Accords; Universal Medicare for all; criminal litigation reform; civil litigation tort reform; death penalty partial elimination; major funding for "pure" medical research; revision of the Patriot Act to protect civil rights; major study for possible decriminalization of soft, non addictive drugs; educational reform to inspire children to think and reason; stronger environmental protection policies; gay persons equal rights; simplified, graduated "flat tax" on personal incomes; funding for family planning and sex education; amended free and fair trade policies; unemployment reduction by helping create new businesses and encouraging entrepreneurs; guaranteed social security preservation; protecting women's right to choose; revision of immigration policies and practices; 100% support of 2nd amendment; responsible off-road vehicles on federal lands; increase auto gas mileages; 100% recovery of California's monies sent to Washington D.C.; end Iraq occupation quickly; support only constitutionally declared wars; fiscal sanity by stopping unessential spending; defer tax cuts for wealthy; Indian casinos taxed higher. Also, propose Republican party membership in the World Freedom Federation, an international organization of freedom subscribing political parties with plan to achieve total world freedom in this century. For further explanations of my platforms and positions, visit website: http://www.vanzandtforussenate.com
Statements on the following pages were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily submitted by the candidate.
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