United States Senator
For information about candidates running for U.S. Senator, click on the links below.
Peace and Freedom
Picture the world in 2050 - the world our grandchildren will inherit. Can we stop the worldwide trends of environmental degradation, continuous war, growing poverty, homelessness and hunger? We can, but only by organizing for complete change. Present policies are a bi-partisan road to disaster. Health care only for some leads to widespread disease. Housing only for some means increasing homelessness. School based on regimentation and testing instead of teaching creative thinking create dropouts, delinquents and people who don't think for themselves. Continuing to let corporations loot the environment with only minor restrictions will mean an end to a livable planet. Allowing our government to act as a rogue nation, developing weapons of mass destruction and bullying the rest of the world, will mean more war overseas and terrorist acts against us here. Helping Israel to push the Palestinian people into camps, fence them off, and attack them in their pens will mean more suicide bombings. If our prisons punish and kill but fail to provide education and rehabilitation, we will have more crime. You get the picture. We can change it. We can join together and take ownership of our earth and its resources. We can run it cooperatively for the common good instead of being slaves to those who are only interested in short-term gain for themselves. We need meaningful work, health care, education and jobs for all. We don't need militarism, threats to civil liberties and repression.
Statements on the following pages were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily submitted by the candidate.
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